Who Shouldn't Use a Full Face Snorkel?

Who Shouldn't Usa a Full Face Snorkel

Snorkelling is one of Australias greatest summer past times! Its an amazing leisurely activity that has multiple benefits for people of all ages. You can improve your fitness and swim hard in the oceans, or you can take the time to relax, move at your own past and get your mind settles.  No matter the reasons, snorkelling is a great way to have fun and the best part is the ocean belongs to everyone! you don't need any government permission to enjoy the beauty the ocean and Australian shoreline has to offer.  In saying all of this we must take note that snorkelling doesn't always go to plan and although everyone can jump right into snorkelling not everyone should.

like a lot of the best things in life, snorkelling isn't 100 per cent risk-free, there are certain limitations that individuals can face when snorkelling (especially for novices in the ocean).  If you are trying to figure out if snorkelling is a hobby or activity you should pick up then you have come to the right place, the team at ReefMask will outline the main factors to consider before you pick up your full face snorkel or traditional snorkel set.


Who Shouldn't Snorkel?

When we look at most Australians you will find it hard to find someone who absolutely should not go out snorkelling on the ocean! That said, there are specific groups of people that may find themself in risky situations when using a full face snorkel. It is these groups of people within Australia that we will touch on and discuss what risks they face and how to minimize them.

Check out the list below, if you see any that resonate with yourself then be honest and understand you may need extra support, guidance and faster when snorkelling!


1. Anxious & Nervous snorkelers

If you are someone who suffers from anxiety, has a fear of the ocean or is just overall feeling uneasy about snorkelling then your body will most likely act accordingly to this fear. It is for this reason that you will find it difficult breathing in a slow, controlled manner when wearing a full face snorkel face of the water will become also more difficult. How can you tell if your anxious snorkelers? well just listen to your body when you think about snorkelling or going into the ocean. DO you feel nervous, sick in the stomach, shacky, hesitant or fidgety? If so then we would call you an anxious snorkeler and someone who should take extra measure to ensure they feel safe while using a full face snorkel.

If you go out into the ocean to use your snorkel or full face mask then always ensure you have at least one friend with you! You always feel safer with a buddy and this is even more true when it comes to snorkelling. Another tip is to wear a floatation device to ensure you stay buoyant and float across the top of the water. Always remember a stressed body will tighten up, become heavier and often sink! Our final tip is to start out in shallow chin-high water, this will allow you to simply stand if you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed by the situation. Once you have become comfortable after a few sessions gradually move out to deeper water and expand your comfort zone.


2. Overwieght and obse people

This one takes some real honesty, would you consider yourself overweight or unfit?  climbing stairs do you huff and puff or do you just completely avoid them altogether? Would you only run the 100-meter sprints if it meant getting to your uber eats order quicker? Overall, if you don't conder yourself healthy then you are at risk of the greatest health risk when snorkelling and that's the heart and cardiorespiratory issues, often caused by a lack of fitness and excess pressure on organs. In order to avoid this, we strongly recommend wearing a floatation device to keep your buoyant and floating, also best to stay in shallow waters with a buddy until you build up your fitness.


3. Individuals With Medical Conditions

Anyone that suffers from cardiac or respiratory issues have a higher risk when it comes to snorkelling and using a full face snorkel mask! If you or anyone in your family has a history of asthma, heart disease or any other serious medical issues then be cautious when snorkelling. There have been cases where individuals have Broughton their asthma due to the breathing patterns in the tube, be aware of this and always snorkel with a buddy and stay in shallow shoulder-high waters.


4. Cigaret Smokers

This isn't a campaign to get you to quit smoking, but be cautious that smoking and regular smokers often fall into the category of the respiratory issue. If you do smoke often do know that if you use a traditional snorkelling tube you may find the rhythm and breathing pattern difficult to grasp, even full face snorkels can be difficult! If you are a regular smoker then ensure you don't smoke 2 hours before hitting the water, also its always best to go with a friend and start off in shallow waters to build up confidence.


Who should use a full face snorkel?

Most normal health Australians can safely use a full face snorkel or traditional set without any incidents or injuries occurring. Fortunately, even if you ar,e not a strong swimmer you can use floatation devices to help you sail across the top of the water, ensuring you get the full snorkel experience.

Snorkelling is a  perfect leisure activity for any age, sex or race. Snorkelling doesn't discriminate! As long as your confidence in the water and you have no serious physical or mental health issues then you should are more than qualified to take a full face snorkel into the ocean. If you don't fit into that category don't be discouraged, as we discussed above there are many solutions to ensure you can go out and explore the ocean with a full face snorkel mask.



Author Bio:

John - Manager at Reef Mask 

Passionate about the ocean & its beauty, John has been a passionate Snorkeler for over 10 years. Educating people on snorkelling techniques and equipment.